1.  When does the season start?

The Season starts in the weekend after Labour Weekend 2024 for all Grades.  Premiers commence in  September.

2.  How long does the season go for?

The season goes from October through to the end of March – with all the xmas holidays off in between for the juniors. Finish date prior to Xmas (to be confirmed) and then start back after xmas will be first Saturday when the children go back to school.

Small Sox, Tee Sox and Rookie Sox may not go as long as Junior Softball.

Seniors will start back in January for their games.

Premiers will start back in January for their games.
3.  Can you explain the differences between the ages?

Tiny Sox – ages 3 – 5 year olds.  Active Play, warm up and game - age specific.
Tee Sox  (Tee Ball) – ages 5 & 6 years old
Rookie Sox Minor League ( Flexiball) – ages 7-9 year olds
Rookie Sox Major League ( Flexiball) – ages 9-11 year olds
(Please note the above are guidelines on ages – sometimes younger players can play up dependent on skills and abilities)

The Club also caters for children with special needs, please discuss where your child should be appropriately placed or if you have any concerns.

Junior Softball – Ages 11- U19’s (games played home and away)
Senior Softball – any age
Premier Softball – any age
Diamond Point – Mixed gender and very social - Monday night League

4.  Can I make special requests on the registration form, like put my child into a team with his/her friends?

Yes you can, however, the Club cannot guarantee this but will endeavour to try and honour all reasonable requests.

5.  What night will trainings be?

Trainings are determined once the teams have been established and after the Coach has had an opportunity to talk to the parents as to what night suits the majority.
Trainings can be any night from Monday to Friday commencing any time from 4pm onwards.

6.  When will we hear what team our child/children are in?

It takes the Club some time to sort out all the registrations and often team lists can change several times for various reasons. We would expect that all coaches of our Teesox and Rookie sox teams would have been sent their player lists at least by 2 – 3 weeks prior to the season starting. However, sometimes this can be later for various reasons, i.e. late registrations, shortage of playing numbers in teams, school holidays  and so on.

Junior Competition teams should also be notified as early as the Club has the teams sorted so the Coaches can commence trainings well before the season starts.

7.  Where do the games get played?

Games in the Tiny Sox, Tee Sox and Rookie Sox module are all played currently on Saturday mornings at the park, Meadowlands Reserve. However, there has been some discussion that some may be played on Friday evenings, but the committee needs to establish whether this is viable.

8.  Where will trainings be held?

At Meadowlands Park. However, prior to Labour weekend they may be held at other parks or schools due to the grounds not being available for softball until after labour weekend.

9.  Where do we get a uniform from?

Uniforms are supplied by the club that includes a playing top and pants (caps must be purchased) and are considered as part of the playing uniform. We don’t want other caps being worn during games. Once teams are sorted the teams will be contacted as to what evening they will come to the club to collect their uniforms.

10.  Where do we get a glove from?

The Club supplies gloves at very reasonable rates. We would encourage you to talk to a club representative before you purchase a glove elsewhere to ensure correct sizing and fit for your child/player.

11.  Can I pay fees in instalments?

Yes you can, but you must contact

12.  I would like to coach a team, but I am not that experienced or knowledgeable in the game of softball. Where can I find some information or assistance?

The Club will provide any interested parties with all information they need and will endeavour to ensure they are given resources to assist.

13.  I have heard you have social adult league playing on Monday Nights. Where can I find out more about this?

Yes we have Diamond Point Social Softball. It is a fun league and very popular. 6.30 pm on Monday evenings. No Pitchers needed, mixed teams and lots of fun. This league runs from November until March with all xmas holidays off in beween. 

​​​​​​​14.  If colleges want to put a team into the Adult Diamond Point League on Monday nights, can they do so?

Yes we would love to see more young college students involved. We have a slightly cheaper rate for students. Normal cost for Adults is $50 per season. College Students will be $40.00 if they enter as a team.